Southern California: A-K
L-Z Comps/Labels
LA/OC/Santa Barbara/San Bernardino/San Diego/San Pedro
- Tryin To Mess With Me / F.U.M. 7" UG 806, 1981 NS
Brain Transplant, 1998 PS
- 4 Previous Unreleased Punk Rock Faves From 1981 7"
Brain Transplant BTX07, 1998/1981 PS
(Revenge / Can't Relate // Phoney / Can't See Me)
- Itty Bitty Baby / It's Cool To Rock // Bloody Disco / All Right /
Sorority Girl 7" Wide Open ACC001, 1979 PS
Adolescents Fullerton
- Adolescents LP Frontier FLP1003, 1981
(I Hate Children / Who Is Who / Wrecking Crew / L.A. Girl / Self
Destruct / Kids Of The Black Hole // No Way / Amoeba / Word
Attack / Rip It Up / Democracy / No Friends / Creatures)
- Welcome To Reality / Losing Battle // Things Start Moving 7"
Frontier FRT101, 1981 PS
Hands down one of thee best punk LPs to ever come out of So California
along with TSOL's Dance With Me. Huntington Beach might have pioneered
the early OC sound but Fullerton's Adolescents ran with it, exploiting
its catchiest and most powerful elements. Bratty, raspy throated vocals
aggressively complimented by ultra catchy guitar leads and spot on busy
beach punk drumming. Not one mediocre song in the batch. Essential! The
7" is really good and also worth having but between the two releases the
LP wins as nothing on the 7" exactly rivals the majority of the LP
tracks.[Brian GTA]
- Accept-Except-Not Nothing Negative 7" Psychobud 111, 1981 PS
(Waiting On A Light / Throw The Money / Slick With A Lick / This Way Out)
Obscure punk/art. Two short, fast typical SoCal punkers & two longer
postpunk tracks.[BD]
- Strange Confession / The Long Walk 7" Contagion CON001, 1980 PS
- Fade In 12" Contagion CON002, 1981
(Surf Generator / Part Of The Threat / Relapse / Soundtrack //
Afterimage / Satellite Of Love / No Dreams)
Agent Orange Fullerton
- Bloodstains // America / Bored Of You 7" Agent Orange L3542, 1980 PS
- Everything Turns Gray / Pipeline 7" Posh Boy PBS12, 1981 PS
- Living In Darkness LP Posh Boy PBS122, 1981
(Too Young To Die / Everything Turns Gray / Miserlou / The Last
Goodbye // No Such Thing / A Cry For Help In A World Gone Mad /
Bloodstains / Living In Darkness)
- Bitchin' Summer 12" Posh Boy 1037, 1982
(Pipeline // Breakdown / Misirlou / Mr Moto)
- When You Least Expect It... 12" What/Enigma E1047, 1983
(It's Up To Me And You / Bite The Hand That Feeds (Part 2) // Somebody
To Love / Out Of Limits)
Rikk Agnew
- All By Myself LP Frontier FLP1009, 1982
(OC Life / 10 / Yur 2 Late / Everyday / One Shot // Falling Out /
Surfside / It's Doing Something / Fast / Section 8)
Agnew plays all instruments on this effort, and it sounds great.[TW]
Agreed, great LP.[HW] It has been suggested that Adolescents guitarist
Rikk had some help from his brother Frank but help or no help this is a
great LP and highly recommended. Falling Out and OC Life would later be
redone by Rikk and Casey's other group D.I., though I prefer these
versions. All tracks are powerful prototypical OC punk a la Adolescents
except for one poppier love song, Everyday. Good production work and
Rikk's catchy guitar leads are at times complimented by keyboards
played far enough in the background to thicken and accent his
riffs.[Brian GTA]
- Don't Be Mistaken 12" Better Youth Organisation 003, 1983
(It Can Happen / Brain Bondage / Non Person / Body Count / Money
Machine / No Mercy / Don't Be Mistaken // Intense Energy /
S.A.T.C. / Locals Only / Insomnia / Secret Sex / Stop The Clock /
Cat Killer)
Tough Oxnard Beach punk with barely garbled vocals though much more
coherent and less slurred than say the Germs or Crucifix. Guitar work
wavers between melodic OC Adolescents leads and metallic pickings
which are kept to reasonable non-rock god limits. On a side note
the music to Money Machine is the same as No Crisis' On Your
Head, as the two groups had shared a member. Good record.[Brian GTA]
Alcoholics Los Angeles
- Going Outside / Got To Be Wise // Pesticides / Kids In My
Neighbourhood / Confidence 7" Overindulged #3, 1980 PS
Alleycats Los Angeles
- Nothing Means Nothing Anymore / Give Me A Little Pain 7" Dangerhouse LOM22, 1978 PS
- Too Much Junk / Night Along The Blvd. 7" Time Coast TC#22, 1980 PS
- Nightmare City LP Time Coast/Faulty TC2201, 1981
(Nightmare City / Night Along The Blvd / One More Chance To Survive / King Of The
Street Fights / Today // Nothing Means Nothing Anymore / Too Much Junk / Give Me
A Little Pain / Black Haired Girl / When The World Was Old)
- Escape From The Planet Earth LP MCA 5333, 1982
(Escape From The Planet Earth / It Only Hurts The First Time / Breath Of The Barfly /
Bitter Fruit / Waiting For The Buzz // Night Of The Living Dead / Naked Souls / The
Hotel / After The Funeral / Just An Alley Cat)
Imagine a more heroin induced X with the rootsier tendencies replaced by a semi beach
punk approach and John Doe's comfortable croon replaced by Randy Stodola's creepy rasp
to compliment bassist Dianna Chai vocals. Druggy lyrics abound as they wallow in the
excesses of the lowliest of street life. For what they did, they did it well and all
of the above releases are recommended sleazy listening.[Brian GTA] Brian's comments
were written before the final, major label LP (as the Alley Cats) was added to
these listings. It's pretty terrible.[JF]
American Gorilla
- Forsaking All Others / Masters Of War 7" USA 001, 1982 PS
Child Molesters related weirdness. Getting arty but plenty loud.[HW]
Angry Samoans
- Inside My Brain 12" Bad Trip BT201, 1980
(Right Side Of My Mind / Gimme Sopor // Hot Cars / Inside My
Brain / You Stupid Asshole / Get Off The Air)
- Inside My Brain LP PVC 8955, 1987
Triple XXX 51033, 1989
Subway, ?
(Right Side Of My Mind / Gimme Sopor / Hot Cars / Inside My
Brain / You Stupid Asshole / Get Off The Air // My Old Man's
A Fatso / Carson Girls / I'm A Pig / Too Animalistic / Right
Side Of My Mind)
- Queer Pills 7" Homophobic 02, 1981 PS
(Stupid Jerk / Time To Fuck / The Todd Killings // They Saved
Hitler's Cock)
- Back From Samoa LP Bad Trip BT501, 1982
PVC 6915, 1986
Triple XXX 51035
Subway, ?
(Gas Chamber / The Todd Killings / Lights Out / My Old Man's A
Fatso / Time Has Come Today / They Saved Hitler's Cock /
Homosexual // Steak Knife / Haizman's Brain Is Calling / Tuna
Taco / Coffin Case / You Stupid Jerk / Ballad Of Jerry Curlan /
Not Of This Earth)
- Play The Songs Of Vom: 1978 Demos 7" Bulge 12, 1999/78 PS
(I'm In Love With Your Mom / Too Animalistic)
Tasteless and politically incorrect, the Samoans wrote some the
most endearingly stupid songs in punk rock history: They Saved
Hitler's Cock is a track so retarded it is pure genius. Lights Out
suggests that the listener jam something sharp into their eyes
for a bitchen new sensation. After releasing the track Get Off
The Air, a vicious tirade against Rodney Bingenheimer, Rodney
refused to grant them airplay on his show. In an attempt to
trick him into giving them airplay the band released their
second record under the name of the Queer Pills, though the
story goes Rodney was tipped off and they never got the airplay
they sought.[Brian GTA] Reissues of Inside My Brain add '78-'79
demo and live tracks to the B-side.[JF]
- I Don't Want To Die In Your War LP New Underground NU22, 1982
(I'm Going Insane / The Cycle / Streets / What Do You Do / Fight War Not
Wars // Acid Test / I Don't Want To Die In Your War / New Underground /
Pushed Around / I Hate You / Poseur)
- Defy The System LP New Underground NU77, 1983
(I Try / Lies / Your Governments Calling You / Working In A Factory /
Maps Of The Stars Homes / Your Problems / Five Downdown // Nothing New /
Club Me Like A Baby Seal / Backfire Bomber / Be Free / Overthrow The
Government / Parents Of Punks / Repressed Agression)
Lyrically owing much to the peace politics of UK groups like Crass,
their sound was more akin to So California groups like Social
Distortion. Starting out in a thrashier more basic hardcore mode the
band would gain more songwriting confidence and by their third LP had
introduced a lot more beach punk hooks to their repertoire.[Brian GTA]
Anti-Band Hollywood
- In Love With A Cat // Success / Amnesia 7" Zebian XBN8668, 1982 PS
- Only Album LP Zebian, 1983
(Biplane / Go / Dominion / Success / Jealous Guy / Undersigned /
Krazimanifesto / Fast High / In Love With A Cat / Amnesia)
Aryan Disgrace
- Faggot In The Family / Teenage S&M 7" Mystic M45 127, 1983 PS
No cosmic answers to life's most troubling questions here, just mid
paced juvenile dumbo punk and a decent job doing so.[Brian GTA]
Two different versions - one censored - see
Artistic Decline
- Fallen In Love / Andy Warhol // No Repenting / Private Shack 7"
New Underground NU-12, 1983 PS
- Rocker 7" Fish Ranch FR202, 1981 PS
(Would Be Mothers / Chinese // TV / Iron Curtain / Discipline)
- International Sandwich LP Fish Ranch FR-1000/1001, 1981
(International / Mr. Kritik / New York Funk Rap / Meow / African Song /
Japanese Kamikaze / German Trains / Middle East / Indian Chant /
Mama Mama / Russian Psycedelic Winter)
Weird mix of styles includes some hardcore.
Autistics San Diego
- Girls / Sister Julie 7" Autistics, 1981 PS
- Turn Up The Volts 12" Broken AUT 1/AUT 2, 1982
(What A Way To Go / Turn Up The Volts / Get A Job // Dr. Nick
/ Fifteen Minutes)
Baby Blue Los Angeles
- Rock n' Roll Rebel / Fantasy Man 7" Baby Blue PTR1/2, 1980 PS
Pretty good lo-fi punk-hardrock mix with ridiculous vocals by Angelyne,
a trashy actress best known for billboards she placed of herself around
LA starting in the 80s. Guitarist (and co-vocalist on the B-side) Jordan
Michaels did a hardrock LP "Armageddon" under his own name in 1982.[JF]
Bad Religion
- Bad Religion 7" Epitaph BREP-1, 1981 PS
Epitaph 87010-7, 2009 PS
NED Epitaph Europe 7010-7, 2009 PS
(Bad Religion / Politics / Sensory Overload // Slaves /
Drastic Actions / World War III)
- The Original 12" Epitaph BREP-1, 1981
(Bad Religion / Politics / Sensory Overload / Slaves /
Drastic Actions / World War III)
- How Could Hell Be Any Worse? LP Epitaph EPI-BRLP1, 1981
(We're Only Gonna Die / Latch Key Kids / Part III / Faith In God /
Fuck Armageddon... This Is Hell / Pity / In The Night // Damned To
Be Free / White Trash (2nd Generation) / American Trash / Eat Your
Dog / Voice Of God Is Government / Oligarchy / Doin' Time)
- Into The Unknown LP Epitaph EPI-BRLP 2, 1983
(It's Only Over When... / Chasing The Wild Goose / Billy Gnosis /
Time And Disregard // The Dichotomy / Million Days / Losing
Generation / ... You Give Up)
- Back To The Known 1-sided 12" Epitaph EPI-BREP-2, 1984
7" bootleg "Epitaph" EPI-BREP-2, 1980s? PS
(Yesterday / Frogger / Bad Religion // Along The Way / New Leaf)
- Survive / Babylonian Gorgon 7" Dangerhouse BAG199, 1978 PS
- No Excess Bagisims 7" "Dangerhouse" BAG200, 1990 PS
(Babylonian Gorgon / Survive // We Will Bury You / We Don't Need The English)
- Disco's Dead // Why Tomorrow? / Sanyo Theme 7" Artifix SPR018, 2003/1978-79 PS
The Artifix A side is a 1979 demo, unearthed 24 years later, and has the most menacing
bassline this side of Holiday in Cambodia. The B side songs are live, at the Hong
Kong Cafe in 1979 and the new Masque on New Year's Eve, 1978. [TW]
- Getting Out Of Hand / Call On Me 7" Down Kiddie DK001, 1981 PS
Faulty, PS
Battalion Of Saints San Diego
- 2nd Coming // Intercourse / Solitary Is Fun 7" Mystic SS7EP128, 1983 PS
- Sweaty Little Girls / B by SVDB 7" Mystic M745132, 1983 PS
- Fighting Boys 12" Nutrons BS001, 1982
7" bootleg, 1993 PS
((I'm Gonna) Make You Scream / E-B // Modern Day Heroes / Fighting Boys)
Beast Of Beast
- Sex, Drugs...And Noise 12" My Ass BOB77, 1983
Mutha 015, 1983?
(Hands Off / She's Wasted / White Boys Don't Lie / Icy Eyes // Destructive
Heroes / Without A Right)
Two slower darker numbers offset by three faster tracks. Vocalist
Virginia Mac's raspy pipes are like a slighty more toned down Wendy
O'Williams, making the sleazy ugly gutter level lyrics all the more
believable coming out of her mouth. A good underrated record that's
over too quickly.[Brian GTA]
Without even reading Brian's comments, on first listen I immediately
thought it sounded like if the Plasmatics had gone in a more hardcore
direction. Good stuff. The Mutha version is just the My Ass pressing
with stickers over the labels and on the cover.[JF]
Benedict Arnold & The Traitors
- Kill The Hostages / Red Alert 7" RP002, 1980 PS
- No More Heroes Or Gods 7" Veracious R-7332/3, 1982 PS
(I Hate Sports / (I'm So) Damaged / Hollywood / White Boy Sings Ska /
Birth Control / Stairway To Nowhere)
Black Flag
- Nervous Breakdown // Fix Me / I've Had It / Wasted 7"
SST 001, 1978 PS
- Six Pack 7" SST 005, 1981 PS
UK Alternative Tentacles VIRUS9, 1981 PS
(Six Pack // I've Heard It Before / American Waste)
- TV Party // I've Got To Run / My Rules 7" SST/Unicorn 95006, 1981 PS
SST 012, 1981 PS
- TV Party / TV Party 7" SST promo UNIC-95006-A, NS
- Depression / Rise Above 7" Time Coast, 1981 PS
- Life Of Pain / Thirsty And Miserable 7" Unicorn BOGUS001, 1981 NS
- Louie Louie / Damaged 1 7" Posh Boy PBS13, 1981 PS
- Jealous Again 12" SST 003, 1980
(Jealous Again / Revenge // White Minority / No Values / You Bet
We've Got Something Personal Against You!)
- Damaged LP Unicorn/SST 9502, 1981
(Rise Above / Spray Paint The Walls / Six Pack / What I See / TV Party /
Thirsty And Miserable / Police Story / Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie // Depression
/ Room 13 / Damaged II / No More / Padded Cell / Life Of Pain / Damaged I)
SST 007, 1981
NED Roadrunner RR 9956, 1982
(Rise Above / Spray Paint The Walls / Six Pack / What I See / TV Party /
Thirsty And Miserable / Police Story / Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie // Depression
/ Room 13 / Damaged II / No More / Padded Cell / Life Of Pain / Damaged I /
Louie Louie)
- Everything Went Black 2xLP SST 015, 1983
(Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie / I Don't Care / White Minority / No Values / Revenge /
Depression / Clocked In / Police Story / Wasted // Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie /
Depression / Police Story / Clocked In / My Rules / Jealous Again / Police
Story / Damaged I / Louie Louie // No More / Room 13 / Depression / Damaged
II / Padded Cell / Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie // (Crass Commercialism))
Black Randy
- Trouble At The Cup // Loner With A Boner / Sperm Bank Baby 7"
Dangerhouse MO721, 1977 PS
- Idi Amin / I'm Black And Proud Part 3 // I'm Black And Proud
Part 14 / I Wanna Be A Nark 7" Dangerhouse IDI722, 1978 PS
- I Slept In An Arcade / Give It Up Or Turn It Loose 7"
Dangerhouse KY724, 1979 PS
- Pass The Dust, I Think I'm Bowie LP Dangerhouse PCP725, 1979
(I Slept In An Arcade / Marlon Brando / I Tell Lies Every Day / Down
At The Laundrymat / I Wanna Be A Nark / Give It Up Or Turn It
Loose / Idi Amin // Sperm Bank Baby / Barefootin' On The Wicked
Picket / San Francisco / Tellin' Lies / I'm Black And Proud
(Part 1) / (Theme From) Shaft)
B People
- You At Eight / Weather To Worry / MPCD 7" IRS/Faulty FP03, 1981 PS
- Don't Tell Me Why / Take Me To Paris // Suzie's So Unsure / Stunned 7"
Mental Health -, 1979 PS
Brat East Los Angeles
- Attitudes one-sided 10" Fatima FTM77, 1980
12" Fatima FTM77, 1980
(Swift Moves / Attitudes / Starry Night / High School / Leave Me Alone)
- Let's Play Doctor / Pitfall 7" Chic S1001, 1977 PS
Bump Cars
- I Win / Born To Screw // Iced Tea / I See Cars / I Leapt Up 7"
Wat Rock RIP6781, 1978 PS
By Golly Band
- Wasted Love / An Avocado Is Forever 7" Trance 1513, 1981 PS
Cardiac Kidz San Diego
- Get Out / Find Yourself A Way 7" Lub Dub C1200, 1979 PS
- Playground 7" Lub Dub C1202K, 1979 PS
(Monday Afternoon / Love Can Be Blind // I've Seen You Before /
Find Yourself A Way)
Catholic Discipline
- Underground Babylon CD Artifix SPR020, 2004/1979-80
(Barbee Doll Lust / Everyone Dies Laughing / Hypocrite / Culture Sluts / Underground
Babylon / European Son / Take It Away / Whip Them Lord! / Fast Rhythm / In A
Dungeon / Everyone Dies Laughing / Whip Them Lord! / Soul Testing / Shooting Up
With Mother / I'm Choking... / Yes, We Do (partial) / Tripmaker / Take It Away /
Pablo Picasso / Dejame Solo / No Soy Hemingway)
First six songs were recorded in late 1979 at the Hong Kong Cafe, the next
four in late 1979 at the Anti-Club, the next six in January 1980 at the Hong
Kong, and the next two around the same time as the first six, also at the Hong Kong.
Pablo Picasso is the Modern Lovers classic as performed on the Richard Meltzer Show
on KPFK FM on January 19, 1980. The last two were Claude Bessy solo with RAEO in Spain
in 1990/91.[TW]
- Polaride Pictures / Popular Boy 7" CIA K10001, 1978 PS
Channel 3 Cerritos
- I've Got A Gun // Manzanar / Mannequin 7" UK No Future Oi11, 1982 PS
- I'll Take My Chances / How Come? 7" Posh Boy PBS17, 1983 PS
- Manzanar / Mannequin // I've Got A Gun / Waiting In The Wings /
Wetspots 12" Posh Boy 1018, 1981
- Fear Of Life LP Posh Boy PBS128, 1982
(Out Of Control / Accident / You Make Me Feel Cheap / Catholic Boy /
Wetspots / Fear Of Life // Life Goes On / Manzanar / Strength In
Numbers / Double Standard Boys / You Lie / I Wanna Know Why)
- I've Got A Gun LP UK No Future, 1982
(Fear Of Life / Out Of Control / I've Got A Gun / Wetspots / Accident /
You Make Me Feel Cheap // You Lie / Catholic Boy / Waiting In The
Wings / Strength In Numbers / Double Standard Boys / Life Goes On)
- After The Lights Go Out LP Posh Boy PBS8146, 1983
(What About Me? / Stupid Girl / Separate Peace / No Love / After The
Lights Go Out / Truth And Trust // I'll Take My Chances / All My Dreams
/ Can't Afford It / I Didn't Know)
Che Blammo Los Angeles
- Rock Moderne 7" Permanent PR337, 1981 PS
(Stupid For Your Love / Love Burns // Shattered On Impact / Monkey Laundry
/ Vicious M.G.)
2 great female-vocal poppy/new-wave punk tracks, Shattered On Impact is
a classic with a slight Rezillos feel.[CR] Fem vox sometimes play it a
bit too cool and mimic Chrissie Hynde. Vicious M.G. is the standout song.[RE]
Cheifs Hollywood
- Blues // (At The Beach) Tower 18 / Knocked Out 7" Playgems PG001, 1980 PS
Child Molesters
- Hillside Strangler / Don't Worry Kyoko 7" Ace & Duece ADS5001, 1978 PS
- Wholesale Murder / I'm Gonna Punch You In The Face 7"
Ace & Duece ADS5002, 1978 PS
- Wir Lieben Die Jugendlich Mädchen 12" Ace And Deuce ADS1, 1981
(Wholesale Murder / I'm Gonna Punch You In The Face // I'm So /
13 Is My Lucky Number)
- Diary Of Madness / Espionage 7" Ace & Duce 1053, 1985/1982 PS
- I'm So / 13 Is My Lucky Number // I'm Gonna Punch You (In The Face) /
(I Wanna See Some) Wholesale Murder 2x7" Sympathy For The Record Industry
SFTRI 20, 1989/1978 PS
China White Huntington Beach
- Dangerzone 12" Frontier FLP1005, 1981
(Dangerzone / Live In Your eyes / Addiction // Daddy's Little Queen /
Anthem / Nightlife)
Quintessential So Cal beach punk accented by lots of muscular metallic
guitar licks courtesy of Frank Raffino and singer Mark Martin's signature
vocal inflections that were part HB and part UK. At the time China White
were one of the best known bands out of HB or for that matter OC, and the
title tracks remains a beach punk stormer to this day.[Brian GTA]
- Gimme Cigarettes / Oh Oh Oh 7" Moxie M-1005, 1978 PS?
Carlysle C1001, 1978 PS
S-S, 2006 PS
Fear member.[BD]
Damion Circle And The Luxenboys
- Wrap It Up / Russian Sex 7" Dead Ringer, 1979? NS
Circle Jerks
- Group Sex LP Frontier FLP1002, 1980
(Deny Everything / I Just Want Some Skank / Beverly Hills / Operation /
Back Against The Wall / Wasted / Behind The Door // World Up My Ass /
Paid Vacation / Don't Care / Live Fast Die Young / What's Your
Problem? / Group Sex / Red Tape)
- Wild In The Streets LP Faulty COPE3, 1982
UK Step-Forward SFLP 8, 1982
(Wild In The Streets / Leave Me Alone / Stars And Stripes / 86'd (Good
As Gone) / Meet the Press / Trapped / Murder The Disturbed // Letter
Bomb / Question Authority / Moral Majority / Forced Labor / Political
Stu / Just Like Me/Put A Little Love In Your Heart)
- Golden Shower Of Hits / Rats Of Reality 7" LAX 70501, 1983 NS
- Golden Shower Of Hits LP LAX Records LAX 1051, 1983
(In Your Eyes / Parade Of The Horribles / Under The Gun / When The
Shit Hits The Fan / Bad Words / Red Blanket Room / High Price On
Our Heads // Coup d'Etat / Product Of My Environment / Rats Of
Reality / Junk Mail / Golden Shower Of Hits (Jerks On 45))
The CD of Wild In The Streets (combined with Group Sex) is remastered
and sounds REALLY tinny.[TW]
Circle One
- Patterns Of Force LP Upstart 001, 1983
(Social Climbing Leaches / Beware / The Gospel / Survive / Fading /
Destroy Exxon // Patterns Of Force / Plastic Life / Rapture / Vietnam
Vets / Pride / Our Sword / Unity)
Mid to fast-paced hardcore with solid guitar work and plenty of tempo
changes to keep it interesting. Vocals suffer a little from too much
reverb. Lyrically they covered many of the usual hardcore topics of
the day like unity, war, corporate greed, etc. though the lyrics on
several tracks such as The Gospel, Our Sword and Rapture were straight
up Christian turn or burn fare.[Brian GTA]
Claude Coma & The IVs San Diego
- Art From Sin LP Government Research, 1982
- Junkman / All Day Suckers 7" Government GRS-1, 1984 PS
- Manslaughter 7" flexi Government, NS?
- I Ran From I Ran / Protection 7" Communique 926502, 1980?
Good melodic punky pop a-side, topical novelty track. Probably the
same band as on the No Disco LP.[CR]
Conditionz San Diego
- She's So Suburban / House Divided 7" Primal Lunch PL001, 1983 NS
Good poppunk.[BD] Agreed, flipside's a goodie. More records through
the 80s.[HW]
Controllers Los Angeles
- Neutron Bomb / Killer Queers 7" What 04, 1978 PS
- Slow Boy / Do The Uganda // Suburban Suicide 7" Siamese PM003, 1979 PS
- Can't Stand Me / Kidnapped / Sex Is Evil Mental Crime 7" CVT, 1983 PS
Crewd Long Beach
- Gather Round 1-sided 12" Bemisbrain BB139, 1983
(Dog Day Afternoon / Gather Round / Every Mother's Dream / Soldier Of
Fortune / We Don't Give A Fuck)
The B-side contains an etching of a demon. This is one of my
favourite So Cal punk records of the era. Smitty's vocals sound
absolutely demonically possessed and the music is tight energetic
beach punk verging at times on early hardcore.[Brian GTA]
Page Croft Venice
- Dragons 7" Alien VIL 1918, 1978 PS
(Turn Your Back / Naughty Bits // You Hold Nothing)
Borderline hard rock/glam, but A-side tracks are short and aggressive.[JF]
Crowd Huntington Beach
- A World Apart LP Posh Boy PBS108, 1980
(Something Said / Can't Talk / Right Time / On My Own / Desmond And Kathy // As
You Were (Tomorrow) / Pleasure Seeker / He / What's In A Name / Melody Hill)
Daily Planet
- Life / Pay 7" Riff Raff, 1980 NS
Powerpop/punk. Both sides live at Club 88.[RM]
Deadbeats Los Angeles
- Kill The Hippies / Brainless // Final Ride / Deadbeat 7" Dangerhouse IQ-29, 1978 PS
Dead Hippie
- Living Dead LP Pulse PR345, 1983
(Manic Masquerade / I'm The Last / Living Dead / Mary / Giving Up The Ghost //
Big Train / Bad Medicine / Progress / Slave Babies)
- Self Atmosphere / Opposition 7" Danger Syndrome D-682, 1982 PS
Decadents Covina
- Legends 7" Roccoco DEC1, 1981 PS
(Runaway Train / Hideaway Girl)
- Subliminal Hokum LP Roccoco ROC 0001, 1983
(Dog King / Not This Time / Hideaway Girl / Heart Of The City / No Justice At
All / Twist Of Fate // Crackdown / Let Me Probe It To You / Pipe Dreams / All
That Swaggers / Runaway Train)
The 7" a-side is decent 60s-styled powerpop & the flip is fairly good
rock-n-roll punk.[BD]
Brian's comments are spot-on, but he's got the side's reversed. "Runaway Train"
is the best thing on the 7" or LP. The whole LP is heavily 60s influenced -- I
hear a lot of Rolling Stones -- but ultimately mostly forgettable.[JF]
Decry Arcadia
- Symptoms Of Hate / Fight To Survive / Strapped In // Resurrection /
Sorority Girls 7" Insane 004, 1983 PS
Deep Six
- Ghost Ride // Sick Society / Watchers Of Time 7" Ici 414, 1981 PS
Watchers Of Time is good synthpunk, vaguely reminiscent of Rock Bottom
and the Spys, with whom this band shared at least one member. Sick
Society is more straightforward punk, but less interesting. Ghost
Ride is more garagey with organ and harmonica playing. There are at
least three different picture sleeve designs.[JF]
Descendents Manhattan Beach
- Ride The Wild / It's A Hectic World 7" Orca L-1056, 1980 PS
Orca/Pinsicato L-1056, 1980 PS
- Fat 7" New Alliance NAR-005, 1981 PS
(My Dad Sucks / Mr Bass // I Like Food / Hey Hey / Weinerschnitzel)
- Milo Goes To College LP New Alliance NAR012, 1982
SST 142, 1988
(Myage / I Wanna Be A Bear / I'm Not A Loser / Parents / Tonyage /
M16 / I'm Not A Punk / Catalina // Suburban Home / Statue Of
Liberty / Kabuki Girl / Marriage / Hope / Bikeage / Jean Is Dead)
- Bonus Fat 12" SST 144, 1985/1981
(My Dad Sucks / Mr Bass / I Like Food / Hey Hey / Weinerschnitzel /
Global Probing // It's A Hectic World / Ride The Wild)
Ride The Wild originals have matt black labels, reissue shiny black labels,
otherwise identical down to matrices. Reissue sleeve has Pinsicato address
on back of sleeve.[HW]
- Detonators LP Emergency Broadcast Systems EBS001, 1983
(Condemned To Freedom / Crime And Punishment / Angry Young Men / Cloak
And Dagger / Life Is Hell (Day To Day) / Mindless Control // We're
Waiting / Black And White / Push Us In, Push Us Out / Open Your Eyes /
Not Valid / Guitars Or Guns / Do You Understand)
- Beer Gods / Dino 7" Monkey Palm ILND-83, 1983 PS
DFX2 San Diego
- I Love My Car / You're So Cold 7" Double Trouble 7P-V46493, 1979 PS
- Where Are They Now 12" World WEP-1002, 1980 PS
(Octane / Real Thing // Where Are They Now / Downtown)
- DI 12" Revenge 4, 1983
(Richard Hung Himself / Guns // Venus De Milo / Reagan Der Führer / Purgatory)
UK 7"s
- Paranoid / I'm OK You're OK 7" A+M AMS7368, 1978 PS
- Eve Of Destruction / Doggie Do 7" A+M AMS7373, 1978 PS
- Give It Back / You Drive Me Ape 7" A+M AMS7391, 1978 PS
- Silent Night / Sounds Of Silence 7" A+M AMS7403, 1978 PS
- Banana Splits // Hideous / Got It At The Store 7" A+M AMS7431, 1979 PS
- Nights In White Satin / Waterslide 7" A+M AMS7469, 1979 PS
- Manny, Moe And Jack / She Loves Me Not 7" A+M AMS7491, 1979 PS
- Fan Mail / (I'm Stuck In A Pagoda With) Tricia Toyota 7" A+M AMS7504, 1980 PS
- Gigantor / Bowling With Bedrock Barney 7" A+M AMS7544, 1980 PS
Many of the UK singles also exist as large A-label promos in A&M Records
label innersleeves.[JF]
US 7"s
- Silent Night / Sounds Of Silence 7" A+M AM2092, 1978 PS
- Banana Splits / Sounds Of Silence A+M promo 2241-S, 1979 NS
- Nights In White Satin / Manny Moe & Jack 7" A+M 2225-S, 1979 PS
- Nights In White Satin stereo / mono 7" A+M 2225, 1979 PS
other 7"s
- Paranoid 7" AUS A+M, ???
- Banana Splits // Hideous / Got It At The Store 7" AUS A+M K7497, 1979 NS
- Fan Mail / (I'm Stuck In A Pagoda With) Tricia Toyota 7" AUS A+M K7826, 1979 NS
- Banana Splits // Hideous / Got It At The Store 7" DE A+M AMS7603, 1979 PS
- Nights In White Satin / Infidel Zombie 7" POR A+M PAM20069, 1979 PS
- Nights In White Satin / Waterslide 7" NED A+M AMS7633, 1979 PS
10" and LPs
- Dickies 10" A+M SP12008, 1978
(Paranoid // Hideous / You Drive Me Ape)
- Incredible Shrinking Dickies LP UK A+M AMLE64742, 1979
US A+M SP4742, 1980
CAN SP4742
AUS A+M L36903
JAP A+M AMP-6059
(Give It Back / Poodle Party / Paranoid / She / Shadow Man / Mental
Ward / Eve Of Destruction // You Drive Me Ape / Waterslide / Walk
Like An Egg / Curb Job / Shake And Bake / Rondo (The Midget's Revenge))
- Dawn Of The Dickies LP UK A+M AMLE68510, 1980
US A+M SP4796, 1980
CAN A+M SP4796, 1980
AUS A+M L37136
(Where Did His Eye Go? / Fan Mail / Manny, Moe And Jack / Infidel
Zombie / I'm A Chollo // Nights In White Satin / (I'm Stuck In A
Pagoda With) Tricia Toyota / I've Got A Splitting Hedachi / Attack
Of The Mole Men / She Loves Me Not)
- Stukas Over Disneyland LP PVC 6903, 1983
(Rosemary / She's A Hunchback / Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind / Communication
Breakdown // Pretty Please Me / Wagon Train / If Stuart Could Talk /
Stukas Over Disneyland)
- Dirty Habits 7" Reckless PRC-C-1-1, 1982 PS
(Show Night / When You're Young / Truth Comes Out / Just Another Day /
Dirty Habits / Amphetamine Love)
That is not a fake English accent, the singer is really a Brit and the
music to go along with it suggested a more UK influenced rough anthemic
approach. Title track is superb Brit via So Cal punk.[Brian GTA]
Doc Bart
- Ayatollah Rocked / Remember Iran 7" DRA 76091, 1980 PS
- John Rock / Younger Point Of View 7" Dynamic RM110/111, 1976 NS
- Slash Your Face // Fed Up / Are You A Boy Or Are You A Girl? 7" Detroit DR001, 1978 PS
Dolphins Irvine
- Live 12" 1980
It's mostly rock/pop/crap but the song title that caught my attention was
You're Not Punk Enough and it quite frankly rocks. It cracks me up considering
Irvine was mostly orange groves and bean fields in '80.[Jay]
Dred Scott Los Angeles
- I Believe You All / Honest Boy // What A World / Rocker 7" Red Spot DS1, 1979 PS
- Wouldn't You Be Amazed? / Death Is For Stiffs 7" Red Spot L-19536, 1984 PS
- An Instrumental Accident By LP Red Spot 1981
- Johnny's Dying / I'm No Moron 7" Overdrive, 1980 PS
Earwigs Orange County
- She's So Naive / Here Come The Earwigs 7" Rock-A-Mod L-10125, 1982 PS
A-side is so-so, but the flip is a power pop winner with garage overtones.[CB]
Eddie And The Subtitles
- Fuck You Eddie 7" -, 1980 PS
Frontier FRT106, 2008 PS
(Louie Louie / American Society)
- Skeletons In The Closet LP No Label L5356, 1981
(American Society / Magic / ++)
- Dead Drunks Don't Dance LP 13th Story MR3301, 1983
(Shoot Up And Dance / I'm Cryin' / Utopia / Dead Presidents / Tonight /
If I Had A Hammer / Connection // Waiting For The Bombs / Heroin Street /
Until Tomorrow / Circus / B.F.Q.B.M.T. / Dancing In The Devils Drawer / Money)
- Fuck You Eddie LP Frontier 31077, 2008
Electric Peace
- Kill For Your Love 7" Big K 106, 1982 NS
- Electric Peace 1-sided 12" Big K, 1982
(Kill For Your Love ++)
Erratic Canoga Park
- I Wrecked Myself // Ten Minutes With Me & Your Problems Are Solved /
Just A Babblin On (Sidewalk Hog Too) 7" Important R5961/R5962, 1980 NS
I Wrecked Myself is incredible crazed garage/psych/punk.[BD] B-side tracks
are more of the same, and all of it reminds me of Mike Rep.[JF]
Ethyl & The Mertzy-Killers
- Patty Vacant / Fibromatta 7" Raw Terror MK2000, 1981 PS
Fibromatta is the little bulge that appears on a woman between the
bottom of her belly and crotch.[MR] Pretty good novelty punk a la
the Sick & The Lame.[BD]
Executives San Diego
- Jet Set / Drill Press // Resistance / Fashion 7" RadioActive #07/08, 1980 HS
Eyes Los Angeles
- TAQN / Topological Lies 7" Dangerhouse IZE45, 1979 PS
- TAQN 10" Artifix SPR030, 2010/1979
(TAQN / Research Bee / Eniwetok // Disneyland / Go Go Bee / Topological Lies)
Take A Quaalude Now is stupid nihilistic punk with a good quick
beat that shares some similiarities with the Dickies, especially the
vocals and hilarious, purposely retarded lyrics. Excellent.[Brian GTA]
- Smile / World Gone Mad 7" Kick In The Eye K7182, 1982 PS
Falling Idols
- Falling Idols 12" BS, 1984/1982
(HWH / Water / Hello No / Dream Come True / I Disfigured)
Recorded June 82, the label cites pressing as 84. Each of the covers has
a unique spray paint design. Classic LA punk 80-85 sound, catchy riffs.
I'd compare to Hypnotics' Indoor Fiends with less snotty vocals and without
the keyboards, and smarter lyrics. Dave Quackenbush (current Vandals singer
I believe) on vocals.[Tony Pope]
- I Love Livin In The City / Now Your Dead (Musta Bin Somthin You Said) 7"
Criminal LJ-101, 1978 PS
- *uck Christmas / (Beep) Christmas 7" Slash SRS900, 1982 HS/SS
- The Record 12" Slash SR111, 1982
AUS Big Time BTB903
IT Expanded Music EX31, 1982
(Let's Have A War / Beef Boloney / Camarillo / I Don't Care About You /
New York's Alright If You Like Saxophones / Gimme Some Action /
Foreign Policy // We Destroy The Family / I Love Livin In The City /
Disconnected / We Got To Get Out Of This Place / Fresh Flesh / Getting
The Brush / No More Nothing)
Fhab 4
- Dead Beatles / Sometimes I Don't Know Why You Like Me So Much 7" GLU001, 1983/1978
15 Minutes
- Last Chance For You / That's What You Always Say 7" Down There DT1, 1981 PS
- El Salvador / Too Late / Target Of Insanity / Disciple 7" 5051 BMU010, 1982 PS
Flesh Eaters
- Disintegration Nation / Agony Shorthand // Twisted Road / Radio
Dies Screaming 7" Upsetter ONE, 1978 PS
- No Questions Asked LP Upsetter UPCJ34, 1980
(Sleeping Sickness / Jesus Don't Come Through The Cotton / Police Gun
Jitters / Dynamite Hemorrhage / Ten Inch Razor / Kiss On My Cheek /
Suicide Saddle // Cry Baby Killer / Dominoes / Crazy Boy / The Child
Comes First / Home Of The Brave / Impossible Crime / No Questions Asked)
- A Minute To Pray, A Second To Die LP Ruby JRR101, 1981
UK Initial, 1981
IT Expanded Music EX22, 1982
(Digging My Grave / Pray Til You Sweat / River Of Fever / Satan's Stomp
// See You In The Boneyard / So Long / Cyrano De Bergero's Back /
Divine Horseman)
- Forever Came Today LP Ruby JRR805, 1982
IT Expanded Music EX25, 1982
(My Life To Live / A Minute To Pray, A Second To Die / Secret Life /
Shallow Water / The Rosy Hours // The Wedding Dice / Hand Of Glory /
Drag My Name In The Mud / Because Of You / Tightrope On Fire)
- A Hard Road To Follow LP Upsetter UP56, 1983
(Life's A Dirty Rat / Rhymes / The Hammer Hits The Nail / My Destiny /
Buried treasure / I Take What I Want // Eyes Without A Face / Father
Of Lies / Fistful Of Vodka / Every Time I Call Your Name / We'll Never
Die / Poison Arrow)
- Crayon World / Square City 7" Flyguy FR001A-B, 1979 PS
- Flyboys 12" Frontier FLP1001, 1980
(Picture Perfect / Dear John / So Juvenile // I Couldn't Tell /
Butch / Different Kind Of Guy / Theme Song)
45 Grave
- Black Cross / Wax 7" Goldar G1401, 1981 PS
- Smut City Strut / Transistor Head 7" Consecutive #1001, 1979 NS
Screamers style with synth and guitars, female vocals.
Funeral Long Beach / Seal Beach
- Waiting For The Bomb Blast // Politicians Are Sick / Plastic God 7"
Peace Is Shit, 1981 PS
- Funeral 12" Azra 12-880, 1981
(Ant Trap / Will To Live / Outer Edge // Darkness On Your Doorstep /
Bloody Hands)
- Shutdown / Out There / Government Special 7" Posh Boy 1, 1978 NS
- Live Like It Or Not LP Posh Boy 101, 1978
(Do The Nihil / Hillside Strangler / Out There / Bad Girl / Not Going
Back Home / In The Haze // Government Official / (I Don't Want To Be
A) Real Guy / Eat Your Dinner / Shut Down / No Fun)
- Let's Go To The Beach // Hard Rock / Don't Be Afraid To Pogo 7"
Four Speed HS1, 1979 PS
- I Smoke Dope / Baby Run Around 7" never released
- Rockin At Ground Zero LP Playgems GS6471, 1980
(Baby Runaround / Let's Go To The Beach / Don't Be Afraid To Pogo / Elks
Lodge Blues / Teenage Brain / Wasting Time / Darlin Baby // Trudie Trudie
/ High School Girls / The Last Chord / Heartbeat Baby / Rockin' At Ground
Zero / I Smoke Dope / Keep Movin' / Last Chance)
- Forming / Live (Sex Boy) 7" What 01, 1977 PS
Iloki 101, 1980 NS
- Lexicon Devil // Circle One / No God 7" Slash SCAM101, 1978 PS
- (GI) LP Slash SR103, 1979
IT Expanded Music EX11, 1982
(What We Do Is Secret / Communist Eyes / Land Of Treason / Richie
Dagger's Crime / Strange Notes / American Leather / Lexicon Devil
/ Manimal / Our Way / We Must Bleed // Media Blitz / The Other Newest
One / Let's Pretend / Dragon Lady / The Slave / Shut Down (Live))
- Recorded Live At The Whisky June 1977 LP Mohawk SCALP001, 1981
(Forming / Sex Boy / Victim / Street Dreams / Let's Pretend // Get A Grip /
Suicide Machine / Sugar Sugar / Teenage Clone (Wild Baby) / Grand Old Flag)
- What We Do Is Secret 12" Slash SREP108, 1981
IT Expanded Music EX20, 1982
(Round And Round / Lexicon Devil / Circle One / Caught In My
Eye // No God / The Other Newest One / My Tunnel)
Geza X
- Rx Rock`n'Roll / Pony Ride 7" Final Gear X100, 1979 PS
- We Need More Power // Hungarian / Mean Mr Mommy Man 7" UK Alt Tent VIRUS20, 1981 PS
- You Goddamn Kids LP Final Gear YGK A-B, 1981
(Rio Grande Hotel / Hungarian / We Need More Power / Isotope Soap /
Paranoids // Pony Ride / Funky Monsters / Practicing Mice / I Hate
Punks / Mean Mr Mommy Man)
- She's My Baby / This Generation 7" Power PAU-259-945, 1980 NS
Flipside is a mandatory garage anthem. Oddly mistaken for a 60s record
on one of the Pebbles comps.[BD]
- New Lottery // Hitman's Waltz / Food 7" Bemis Brain BB25/6, 1981 PS
- Innocent People / Seize The Middle East 7" Stress L-4988, 1981 PS
- Stereotyped / Pressure 7" Stress 002, 1982 PS
- 2:02 AM / Afraid / Victim Of Lies / Enemy 7" 1982 PS
Hated Principles Los Angeles
- The Curse Of Prince Hated 7" Gothic Gospel UP002, 1983 PS
(Rosemary's Abortion / Guyana Cult // Devil's Food / Burn Those
Churches / Kill Your Neighbor)
Hey Taxi!
- I Hate Dogs // War Is Hell / Queen Bee 7" Mystic 113, 1980 PS
Highway Patrol
- Anna O / John Wayne's Dead / Chatilla 7" 10-4 001, 1983 PS
Hollywood Squares
- Hillside Strangler / Hollywood Square 7" Square SQ001, 1978 SS
Human Therapy
- Domesticated People / American Dream // I Blanked Your Girlfriend
/ Is Everybody Gone 7" Dr Dream 001, 1983 PS
- Indoor Fiends LP Enigma 1, 1982
(Weird People / Eating Soup / News / Nazi Snotzy / Sometimes / I Can't
Think / Sick Of Work / Everyday / Doomed / You're Sick // I'm Running
/ Celebrity Killer / Kiddie Porn / Punk Street / Sizzling In The City
/ S&M / Giants Town / Dreams And Fantasies / The Truth / I Can't Get
The Sleep In My Head / Wild Kingdom Safari / The Quest)
- The Expendables LP Acid Rain DW4253, 1983
(Reach Out And Touch / Hypnotics Theme / Homosexual Homocide / Orphan's
Revenge / Something's Got To Give // Watchtower / Mad Dog / Stole A
Maserati / Teacher / Go See Cal / Jerry's On Drugs / Scuffle)
Excellent ripping punk rock, a couple of tracks could fit on a low
numbered KBD.[HW] On the second, most of the tracks are pretty laid-back,
not the monster punk a la Indoor Fiends. It's worth it for Stole A Maserati,
Teacher and Jerry's On Drugs.[CR]
Iggy & The Stooges
- I Got A Right / Gimme Some Skin 7" Siamese PM001, 1978 RSS/PS
Awesome record, not a 7" you want missing from your collection.
First pressings have the label name in italic type, most were
sleeveless, some in a stamped sleeve. Later pressings have the
regular Siamese logo and the PS below.[HW]

Ill Repute Oxnard
- Oxnard Land Of No Toilets 7" Mystic M33 129, 1983 PS
(Fuck With My Head / In Society / Who Cares / Bad Rep / Greed
// We'll Get Back At Them / Sleepwalking / I Won't Kill For You)
Injections San Diego
- Prison Walls / Lies 7" Radio Active 03/04, 1980 RS
Last Laugh HAW-006, 2010 PS
Irritators Newhall
- Whack The Dolphin / Voodoo Boogie 7" Robey Rob-2S, 1981 PS
Repetitive barely lyrical synth-centered artpunk.[RE]
I.U.D. Orange
- Precious / Charm // Bon Appetit 7" IUD 001, 1981 PS
Junky (not junkie) amateurish girl-fronted punk with what sounds
like a drum machine. Not without its charm and definately not
slick.[Brian GTA]
Jimmy True San Diego
- Cheap Fun / Tell Me What I Wrote 7" True RAR300, 1980? RS
Good powerpop from James Wood who ran the Radioactive label (Injections,
- Spy For Your Love / Happiness High Speed / Stuck On Her 7" Johnnys 91216/7, 1979 PS
This is almost completely a pop record, with only a slight punk edge.
It has a ridiculous hype message from the band on the cover of the
stamped sleeve. One guy went on to form Wire Train.[MR]
Joneses Huntington Beach
- Jonestown / Criminals In My Car 7" Joneses CE40982, 1982 PS
- Criminals LP American Standard 1003, 1983
(Criminals / Bedrock / Fix Me // White And Pretty / Crocodile Rock / Ms. 714)
A-side of the single is a not-too-interesting instrumental with ska leanings.
But the flip is good Dolls-influenced punk, and is probably their second best
song behind Pills which is on the Someone Got Their Head Kicked In comp LP.[JF]
- Product Of A Sick Mind 12" What W12-1216, 1980
7" What W7-1216, 1980 PS
7" Bacchus Archives BA1138, 2000 PS
(Alcoholiday // Top Secret / Iron Dream)
- 99 Bottles / D-Generation / 66 Big Build-up / Gas Mask / West End Kids 7"
Ghettoway GTO-733001, 1983 PS
- Pushin' Too Hard / Cover Girls 7" Posh Boy PBS5, 1980 NS
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